Happy New Year, friends! It's the season of change, beginnings, and renewal. Hopefully you're ready for it and well rested from some form of holiday or break! We're kicking things off this year with some tips on making positive changes. Most of the time these "resolutions" don't stick so we thought it might be helpful to share our tips on making changes... maybe it's wardrobe related or maybe it's elsewhere in your life. Read on and get our tips on how to make a positive change in your life!
1. Get specific and small is good!
What is the area you really want to change? Is it your health, finances, self-confidence? Focus in on just one thing in that arena that you can change. I'm a terrible sloucher so last years resolution was to work on improving posture with a few exercises focused on that goal - that's what we mean by specific! It's a very small, actionable change that's focused on an area of life you want to change. Nothing else. It makes it MUCH MORE LIKELY that you can actually achieve change if you don't overload yourself with unrealistic overhauls.
2. Be positive!
Don't give yourself lots of "do not's." Not only is it demoralising and negative but also human beings love to break rules! Give yourself things to do that will bring positive changes and push out negative things in your life. This is where something like a Capsule Wardrobe fits in (if that's something you've considered). Instead of telling yourself you can't shop for new clothes because you're saving, consider giving yourself a spending or piece limit and then making it a positive challenge to see how efficient you can be with that amount. When we give ourselves the right structure we can be extremely successful. Or maybe you're looking to be more healthy, try giving yourself a number of workouts to complete per week, instead of saying every day. It's certainly more positive than telling yourself you've failed because you missed one day! Build in realistic parameters so you don't get down on yourself.
3. Don't let others drag you down!
We're social beings and "fitting in" or being "part of the team" is important to most people. Because of this we often let other peoples bad behaviour justify our own. We can tell ourselves "Sarah is getting a new dress for the party... so I can too...". This is some faulty logic. We choose to do this when we want to cheat ourselves and we're looking for a reason. It's a trap!! Don't do it!!! When you're trying to make a positive change in your life it may seem like everything and everyone around you is trying to bring you down so you need to learn to ignore them. If you want to have the enjoyment of achieving your goals you're going to have to give some things up. This tip is the toughest of them all! Just ignore the crowds and continue towards your best life!
We hope you're making some amazing plans for the new year and that you're as excited as we are about it!
If your resolution is shopping related and you're ready to give up regrettable purchasing, check out our No Regrets Shopping Guide (free download) here.